Simple Past – Irregular verbs

You will study the Simple past of Irregular verbs.


Simple Past – Irregular verbs

Manifest Destiny

Instructions: Read the text and look at the underlined words.

Manifest Destiny can be defined as, “A Movement.” More specifically, it would be the systematic body of concepts and beliefs that powered American life and American culture.

In 1845, democrat John L. O’Sullivan gave the movement its name to explain America’s thirst for expansion, and to present a defense for America’s claim to new territories he wrote: "...the right of our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federative development of self government entrusted to us. It is righ such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth.” The notion of Manifest Destiny was publicized in the papers and was advertised and argued by politicians throughout th nation. The idea of Manifest Destiny Doctrine became the torch, that lit the way for American expansion.


Getting started: An old movement

Instructions: Read more about the Manifest Destiny and its old history.

Although the movement was named in 1845, the philosophy behind Manifest Destiny always existed throughout American History. Americans believed that they had a right to any land they wanted. The term Manifest Destiny conveyed the idea that the rightful destiny of the US included imperialistic expansion. This idea certainly contributed to several wars. For example, in 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico and proceeded to win much of what is now the Southwestern United States. This war was just one out of a series of aggressive acts that can be tied to America's Manifest Destiny that emerged naturally and inevitability out of fundamental want and need to explore and conquer new lands and establish new borders. With this growth came moral, cultural, social, ideological and economical differences between people, states and countries.

The idea of Manifest Destiny is as old as America itself. The philosophy sailed with Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic. It resided in the spirits of the Jamestown colonist and it landed at Plymouth Rock with the Pilgrims. It also traveled with the fire and brimstone preachers during the Great Awakening and built the first national road. Throughout history there are numerous examples of Manifest Destiny. However, in early American history, synonyms were used to explain the not yet named Phenomenon. American history books are filled with words such as, Explorers, Frontier, Territories, Expansionism, Settlers, Idealism, Sectionalism and Immigration.

An idea of expansion

Instructions: Match the two parts of the sentences..

to explore and conquered new lands
had the right to any land they want.
came from Europe with colonists.
went with American History
the war with Mexico.

1. The philosophy behind Manifest Destiny

2. American people thought they

3. The idea led to

4. Manifest Destiny also brought the idea

5. The idea of Manifest Destiny

Simple Past – Irregular Verbs

Let’s study the Simple Past with Irregular Verbs.

Instructions: Read about how to form the Simple Past with Irregular Verbs.

We use the Simple Past form to talk about events in the past.

Irregular verbs in past change partially or totally. Look at the examples:

Present Past

Look at the word order in the positive form:

Subject Verb in past "ED" Complement.
The dog
My wife and I
to the movies last week.
a party on Saturday.
it was your birthday.
his homework at night.
a lot of noise last night.
an interesting novel.
the lesson.


Irregular verbs

Instructions: Complete the paragraphs with the past tense of the verb in parenthesis.

The Manifest Destiny (have) many components. It reflected both the prides of American Nationalism in the mid 19th century, and the idealistic vision of social perfection through God and the church. These created separate reasons to conquer new land.

The Religious Influence.- To some, the Manifest Destiny Doctrine was based on the idea that America (have) a divine providence. A future that was destined by God to expand its borders over the entire continent, with no limit to area or country.

A Sense Of A Mission.- Others (see) Manifest Destiny as American domination of North America from sea to sea. It also (give) the land an air of romance and adventure: territorial expansion to develop trade with the Far East and to open new trade routes; the way to conquer the fear of an intervention by conquering land beyond its borders and expand American territories.

The Dark Side.- The white man had the right to destroy anything and anyone -- namely Indians -- who (get) in the way. The path across to the West would highlight mass destruction of tribal organizations, confinement of Indians to reservations, and full blown genocide. Americans (take) what ever land they wanted. With a belief that Manifest Destiny (give) them a right and power to do so, many simply settled, planted and farmed Indian land.


The New Manifest Destiny

Instructions: Drag and drop the following verbs into the appropriate gap.


1. Manifest Destiny is the philosophy that American history.

2. Manifest Destiny is often used to define how America actually America.

3. The idea of Manifest Destiny did not end in 1890, it on a whole new face.

4. The Manifest Destiny Doctrine be divided into National Manifest Destiny and International Manifest Destiny.

5. International Manifest Destiny started in 1867 when America Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000.

6. America had a presence in the Hawaiian Islands since 1810. But the idea of Manifest Destiny specifically related to Hawaii full circle in 1959.

7. In 1958 America Hawaii its 50th state.


Shades of Manifest Destiny

Instructions: Choose the correct form of the verbs in the following sentences.

1. If God and mission were the road to Manifest Destiny, imperialism was the light that lit/lighted the way

2. Between the late 1800 early 1900, the American business man strongly concluded/thought in America extending its political, military, or economical authority over other lands beyond the Pacific.

3. As a result of imperialism, the US started/took control of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico via the Spanish-American War.

4. Acquiring land on opposite sides of the globe asked/had the necessity for a new military commitment.

5. This commitment came/became by way of a modern Navy to control the seas.

6. Yellow Journalism (exaggerations of events) got/made Americans to join the Manifest Destiny movement.

7. The philosophy that the US had/made the burden to help the inferior people was relevant as "Duty determines destiny."