Question words with the past tense of Be

You will study Question words with the past tense of Be.


Question words with the past tense of Be

The Continental Congress

Instructions: Read the text and look at the words in bold.

What was the Continental Congress in the eighteenth century?

The Continental Congress, also known as the Philadelphia Congress, was a convention of delegates called together from the Thirteen Colonies which became the governing body of the 13 American colonies from 1774 to 1784 and later the United States. The First Continental Congress, which was comprised of delegates from the colonies, met in 1774 in reaction to the Coercive Acts, a series of measures imposed by the British government on the colonies in reponse to their resistance to new taxes. In 1775, the Second Continental Congress convened after the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) had already begun. In 1776, it took the momentous step of declaring America’s Independence from Britain. Five years later, the Congress ratified the first national constitution, the Articles of Confederation, under which the country would be governed until 1789, when it was replaced by the current U.S. Constitution.

The Continental Congress. Retrieved and adapted October, 2016 from


Getting started: The First Continental Congress

Instructions: Read the text to do the activity suggested.

On September 5, 1774, delegates from each of the 13 colonies except for Georgia (which was fighting a Native-American uprising and was dependent on the British for military supplies) met in Philadelphia as the First Continental Congress to organize colonial resistance to Parliament’s Coercive Acts. The delegates included John Adams of Massachusetts and George Washington of Virginia. The Congress was structured with emphasis on the equality of participants, and to promote free debate. After much discussion, the Congress issued a Declaration of Rights, affirming its loyalty to the British Crown but disputing the British Parliament’ right to tax it. The Congress also passed the Articles of Association, which called on the colonies to stop importing goods from the British Isles beginning on December 1, 1774, if the Coercive Acts were not repealed. The First Continental Congress disbanded on October 26, 1774.

The Continental Congress. Retrieved and adapted October, 2016 from

Intermarriage in numbers

Instructions: Match the numbers to the written form.


To organize colonial resistance to Parliament’s Coercive Acts
John Adams and George Washington
In Philadelphia.
The Philadelphia Congress
On September 5, 1774

1. What was the other name given for the Continental Congress?

2. When was the Frist Continental Congress?

3. Why were the 13 delegates reunited?

4. Where were they gathered?

5. Which two important people were there?

Question words with Be in past tense.

Let’s find out how to use Question words with the past tense of Be.

Instructions: Read about how to use Question words with the verb To Be in past tense.

Remember: To Be is used to express state or feelings.

Was and Where are the two forms for To Be in the past tense interrogative form.

Was is used for I, he, she, and it.

Were is used for we, you, they.

Question words are used to ask for specific information.

Look at the word order in the following examples with Question Words:

Question word Verb To Be (was or were) Subject Complement? Answers
Where was the party last week? At Bill's house
Who was there?   All our friends.
What was for food?   Sandwiches and chocolate cake.
Why was it?   It was Bill's birthday.


Was and were

Instructions: Drag and drop the words to make questions.

Where were four years ago you
you Who with was
in you When the US were
were you there How long
countries were you Which in
for ten years was in the US Who
you favorite food was What


The Second Continental Congress

Instructions: Make questions with Who, Why, What, Where, When, How many and Was or Were with the following prompts:

  1. congresses / there in the US in the 18th century?

    How many Congresses were there?

  2. in the first Continental Congress?

    Who was in the first Continental Congress?

  3. the Second Continental Congress?

    When was the Second Continental Congress?

  4. the purpose of the Second Continental Congress?

    What was the purpose of the Second Continental Congress?

  5. the Second Continental Congress?

    Where was the Second Continental Congress?

  6. the army’s commander in chief?

    Who was the army’s commander in chief?

  7. there an American revolution?

    Why was there an American revolution?




Question words with Be in past tense

Instructions: Choose Was or Were in the following sentences.

Who was/were Thomas Paine?

What was/were the role of France in the American revolution?

Which was/were the provisional government of Virginia’s intentions?

When was/were the Declaration of Independence published?

What was/were removed from the Declaration of Independence?

What was/were important for winning the war?

Where was/were the congressional decisions for a state-by-state vote?