Quantifiers with relative pronouns

You will study the expression Quantifiers with Relative Pronouns.


Quantifiers with relative pronouns

Adventures in Papua New Guinea

Imagen: Hiri Moale Festival. Creative Commons.

Instructions: Read the text. Look at the underlined words.

Papua New Guinea is full of interesting attractions, magnificent natural scenery, and diverse cultural heritage.

Trekking in Papua New Guinea is a challenge which portrays the real meaning of adventure in paradise.

Papua New Guinea is home to some of the world’s most spectacular diving. Some of which could be  a photographer's paradise.

People can experience an unforgettable wave-riding adventure on Papua New Guinea's wave-breaking shores.

Papua New Guinea has a reputation for excellent fishing localities and choices of catch.

The wonders of Papua New Guinea never cease to impress even the most well travelled tourist.

Adventures in Papua New Guinea. Retrieved and adapted May, 2017 from: http://www.papuanewguinea.travel/AdventuresOverview

Getting started: More adventures

Instructions: Read the text to do the activity suggested.

Bird watching provides the opportunity for watchers to take in nature's most eerie surroundings in Papua New Guinea.

Kayaking in Papua New Guinea is a superb way to see all the scenic beauty of this country.

Nothing beats snorkelling in the tropical waters off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Some of which people can discover at their own pace.

Papua New Guinea has just introduced new exploratory stand up paddle adventures. There are cultural events happening all year round in all parts of the country.

Adventures in Papua New Guinea. Retrieved and adapted May, 2017 from http://www.papuanewguinea.travel/AdventuresOverview

True or False

Instructions: Choose T (true) or F (false) for the following sentences.

Bird watching in Papua New Guinea is spectacular.

People can see the scenic beauty by canoeing.

Snorkelling is an air sport.

There aren’t cultural events all year round.

Let’s check quantifiers with Relative Pronouns

Instructions: Read about Quantifiers with Relative Pronouns:

We often use quantifiers and numbers with relative pronouns:

some of which many of who(m) most of whose none of who(m) two of who(m)
all of who(m) both of which neither of who(m) each of which all of whose
both of whose several of which a few of which a little of which a number of who(m)

Examples: A high percentage of New Guinea’s species, many of which are still unknown, are endemic.

Note: Use whom after a preposition.


Coral reefs

Instructions: Choose the correct option.

  1. New Guinea welcomes many tourists, most of whom / none of which come from Europe.
  2. A great amount of reef sites, many of which / none of which provide a wealth diving opportunities, have wrecked World War II boats and aircrafts.
  3. New Guinea has many famous tracks to practice Hiking and Trekking, two of which / one of which is Kokoda Track.
  4. It is estimated that more than 7000 different cultural groups, half of which / most of whom have their own language, exist in Papua New Guinea.
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